Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All Natural.....

Just thought I would check in and say *Hi*! I am off from the shop & general creative work until Thursday. I needed a break... read about 3 posts ago!

I am enjoying some much needed just catching up on life and relaxation as well as getting some great inspirations for new goodies.

On a different note.. I have been working on in the last year or so trying to change the way we live eat ect. I just finished baking some amazing all natural cookies from a local bread co. (chocolate chip cookie mix) Great Harvest Bread co. to be exact. They have the best bread, cookies, cookie mix ect. It is all natural and they sell locally at the markets & at a few retail locations. I purchased the mix at the Neenah store. We have also been enjoying a new (to us) dish soap by seventh generation natural dish liquid in lavender floral & mint! It is awesome. The kids are loving their new shampoo by J/A/S/O/N pure natural organic KIDS ONLY extra gentle shamppo with chamomile & marigold!

I hope you are enjoying your day! Be back to crafting soon! :)

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