Just checking in after a crazy busy weekend! Thank you EVERYONE who purchased some dainty daisies goods at the Appleton farmer's market this past weekend! :) I will be there this Saturday (keep in mind my booth with be in a different spot each week)
The kids and I rediscovered SouthPark today! Our city goverment is a little backwards in most cases, but I have to say the Parks depart. does a wonderful job with our city parks! We have some of the neatest parks around included Pollock pool which is about 3 blocks from my home!
South park is nice with a little creek and shade trees... this sweet park has a nice playground and the water splash pad. It was fun and free. :) We packed a picnic and relaxed.
I am off ot get my hair cut then back to work to restock for the shop & market.
Happy Monday!