Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have been making butterfly bobby pins! Everyone really seams to be LOVING them.. they are flying out of the shop!

p.s. I finished 5 new wrap skirts and a few appliqued tee's that will be heading to the shop with me today! aaaaannnd GALLERY WALK is this Sat. 6-9pm as well as Easter Sunday.. stop in we have soooo many cute gifty items!

Have a great day! xoxo!


  1. those are really cute! Have a good day today.....

  2. those are so cute! i'm doing a ton with butterflies etc.. too. must be something in the air.

    do you seal them at all?

    can't wait to see you Sat.!

  3. Nope .. didn't seal them at all! I made these a few years ago & they were a big hit! I thought I would bring them back again! ;) I have soooooo much work to do for Saturday! I am excited though! xo!
