Thursday, January 28, 2010
in the works...
I have some new purses in the works.. I am hoping to finish a few up soon! I have been cleaning my sewing room & trying to reorganize before I start any new projects! I also REALLY need to get my butt into gear with the Craftacular only two weeks away!
Here they are cut out! I love the mix of fabric, cottons, polyesters, canvas and wools! I have ten ready to sew! I can't wait.. these will also have somewhat of a closure I think! Sometimes things work out differently then in my head! (they are my own design/pattern as well!) One of a kind!!!
I wanted to show you my cute hat too...(kind of hard to see w/ my hair being black as well.) I bought it a few yrs ago on Etsy. It was custom made for me and I love it! It is soooo cold outside (here anyway) my beetle said 4 degrees and that is with out the windchill!
Stay Warm everyone! xoxo!
P.s. Rachel from SmileandWave Featured my "get crafty" necklaces on her blog.. all because I am a fan of her blog and left a comment! Thanks Rachel! ;)
Can't wait to see them in person! I'm going to come to Oashkosh and have to teach me to sew someday... :) Happy Thursday to you - Molly