Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick or Treat....

tonight at participating downtown Oshkosh businesses from 4-7! Come and say Hi! I am even dressing up! ;) There is candy to be handed out as well as fun for all in Opera house square! Hope to see you there...

I thought I would post some pics of the kids.. Jada in her Granny costume & Max our Ninja!
Have a great day!!! xo!


  1. Too Funny~ Jada is hilarious as a Granny~ I hope they have tons of fun!

  2. Your kids look so cute! I love Jada's costume!! What a cute little granny.

    If the weather is okay we are coming downtown today for Tric or Treat.

  3. So nice meeting you today IRL! I just realized that I wasn't an "official follower" of your blog...but NOW I AM! Can't wait to come bcak to the store when I can browse some more!
