Hehe! It is my birthday today! I can't beleive that I am *33* ! Did I just share that! Lol! I thought I would share a few accomplishments that I am most proud of in my *33* years... and some fun facts!
I was born in New Jersey 5/14/75
We moved to Wisconsin when I was *4*
I have 3 sisters
My Mom and Dad live in the house I grew up in.
I don't live in the town I grew up in, but at only 2 hours away I can visit often
I love the colors green & hot pink
I love polk a dots, gnomes(Thanks to my Mom Mom.. gnomes have always been a part of my life!) & daisies
I could not live without my sewing machine & serger!
I am most proud of my two children
I have two big yellow labs~ both adopted.
I have always wanted to be a fashion designer
I am proud of my business and never thought it would become what it has*Thank you everyone*
I am very thankful for my business partner Misha~ she makes my life so much easier
A little bit of advice.. Do what you love and dreams can come true, don't be afraid to fail at least once.
I am off to enjoy the rest of my birthday! :)
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve the best!