It has been crazy as always and to add to the madness we got another dog! We found him thru ! We were amazed at how much he looks like our Buck a.k.a Mr. Pickles. Here he is ~ we think he is maybe Lab/chow mix after looking up several mixes on the web he looks the most like that! He is a little hyper at only 3 years old, but anything would seem active comparing to our 11 year old Buck! Welcome home Buster soon to be a.k.a Deisel 10~ Max wanted to name him that, it is a Thomas the Tank engine train! :) He is a sweet well trained guy~ but super fast and likes to play with toys(the kids think that is pretty cool!) We went and bought him some new ones for his new home! I don't know what Buck thinks, but I think they will soon be best friends! Here are some new pics! Buck and Buster! :)
They look like the same dog!